Facebook comments add quality too your blog as it makes easy for people to comment and interact with the owner of blog easily. It adds to your traffic since your blog posts gets connected to Facebook.
Here is step by step process to add Facebook comment box to your blog.
- Go this link: https://developers.facebook.com/docs/plugins/comments
- Fill the blanks with your desired input eg. width (number of pixels) and number of posts (comments).
- Scroll down and click on get code button.
- Copy the first text.
- Change the character & with & if there is any.
- Now got to your Blogger Dashboarad
- Go to template > edit html.
- Search </body> tag {Ctrl+f}
- Copy the code and paste the code above </body> tag.
- Now search that blog and this red code <b:include data='post' name='post'/>
- Now add the following code after <b:include data='post' name='post'/>